Training on "Cultural Perspectives on Mental Health"
The international training "Cultural Perspectives in Mental Health" was successfully completed, facilitated via the collaboration between the Superemos Foundation, the Family Institute of Boston (United States), the Faculty of Social Work of Boston University and the Community Psychosocial Clinic of the UNAN-Managua / CUR-Estelí. This training process provided a platform for interdisciplinary learning and updating that benefited both teachers and students from the first three years of the Psychology, Social Work and School of Nursing careers, contributing to the internationalization of the students' academic curriculum.
During the sessions, essential topics such as mental health, culture and prevention of violence, social representations, cultural transformations of violence and protection were addressed. The participants, through the creation of videos, shared their reflections and learning, demonstrating their competencies and evidencing a critical and in-depth analysis of the topics studied.
This course underscores the importance of multidisciplinary work as a fundamental tool to comprehensively and effectively address the psychosocial challenges facing our society.
Collaboration between different disciplines enhances the capacity for analysis and intervention in mental health contexts, thus promoting the construction of fairer and more resilient societies.
Likewise, it promotes research and innovative skills, aligning itself with the objective of generating significant and relevant knowledge for people engaged in the issue of preventing domestic violence. In short, from the Supremos Foundation and the ICES Project, we continue to promote the common good, family integration and social transformations via dialogue and the integration of knowledge as genuine cooperation and a shared commitment to transform education and professional practice, contributing significantly to the well-being and health of our communities.