Fundación Superemos
If you would like your donation to fund a specific program or activity, please send an email to Thank you!
Donations to The Superemos Foundation are accepted through the Barr Foundation, which is a US registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization # 73-1456251. As a 501(c)(3) organization granted tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), your donations to us are tax deductible.
Donations greater than $200 will automatically receive a receipt by mail or email (if provided). If you would like a receipt for a lesser donation, please include a note (or email, and we will be happy to send one your way.
Written to:
Barr Foundation
Memo noting:
Superemos - specify if you would like the funds directed at any one particular program or activity
Address to:
Barr Foundation
attn: K. Denny
409 Eastern Parkway, Apt 908
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Please also note your email address, unless of course you prefer a mailed printed copy of your tax receipt. Thank you!
If you would like to reach out to K. Denny regarding your donation, please call (646) 481-9566 or email