Preventive Health Project Workshops and Talks
During the month of August, activities and talks have been held in low-income areas, mainly addressing preschoolers, in order to raise awareness among children about proper oral health care.
Educational talks have also been given to women of the CISCUM Project on topics of interest that they themselves choose, and they are offered free medical consultations as well as the realization of PAP, pregnancy control and blood pressure.
We do not omit that in the preschools where the project also benefits the children with toothbrush and toothpaste kit to conceive to have a proper oral health, within these preschools those of the communities of Paso ANcho, Pastoreo GRande, Limon and N Uevo Amanecer.
It should be noted that all this would not be possible without the hard work of those kind-hearted donors who collaborate with the donations.